Monday, 7 March 2011

A Weekend at Afonwen!



It was an early start on the morning of the 5th March; my very first weekend at Afonwen Craft and Antique Centre.  It took a lot of preparation to get to that point and I have to say, I was more than a little excited that the day had finally arrived.

I shared the demonstrations room with a very good friend who has her own craft business called Hags and Bats.  We travelled to Afonwen together and took great delight in arranging our wares on the beautiful items of furniture.  Once finished, we stood back for a moment to enjoy the view of our crafts in position before settling down to a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

Selling my crafts is, of course, a very pleasurable experience...but I have to say that my fondest memory of the past weekend would be meeting the customers of Afonwen and receiving plenty of feedback, ideas and praise!  All in all a very successful time was had and I look forward to our next weekend there.  Watch this space!

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