Thursday, 27 January 2011

Patchwork Sampler

Sampler Cushion

I've been wondering whether to have a go at cushions recently, and this is what I ended up making.  My intention was to try a little bit of everything to see what I enjoy, what my limitation are, whether I can remember how to do blanket stitch...that kind of thing.  I spent a fair bit of time selecting the fabric because I wanted it to go together nicely.  I had my first ever go at patchwork and loved it!  And then I let my mind and hands relax a little, and just floated along doing whatever came to mind, square by square.  It isn't finished yet but I do think it's rather charming.  A bit like a sampler on a cushion.  My Mum thought it was a wonderful idea and so I have decided to buy some natural fabrics, lace, beads and sequins from Abakhan in the near future and make cushions to sell at Afonwen.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Owl Invasion

Owls For Sale

The owls are finished and are now invading my desk.  They've completely taken over!  I'm sure they will look great on the Welsh dresser at Afonwen Craft Centre.  I can't believe how little time there is left until March 5th; I really must get a move on.  I do have an idea of what I would like to do next, but it's not a toy!  After stuffing those owls I'm ready for something a little bit different.  It might take a while to come into fruition but I'll post a progress picture when I have something worthy of showing.

For now though...want a cuddle?

Tuesday, 11 January 2011



There are ten owl faces on my desk.  I like to do things all in one go, like all of the beaks, then all of the cheeks.  I was getting on with things this afternoon when suddenly I looked down and giggled.  I don't really know why, I just thought that having ten owl faces on my desk was a little bizarre!

Monday, 10 January 2011

Ta-wit Ta-woo!

Owl Prototype

Heehee, I love my latest design, a beady-eyed, curious but very cuddly and friendly owl.  Ta-wit ta-woo!  I have been looking around on Etsy and the internet in general and noticed that owls seem to be very, very popular!  I do like owls but I have no idea why!  So I'd love to know.  If you are an owl fan, please email me or comment below and let me know why you think these creatures are the best.

No doubt there will be a lot more owls sitting on my desk within the next few days so watch this space!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions


I only made one, and that's to start using all of the lovely, smelly, foamy toiletries that I always get for Christmas.  I tend to like them so much that I don't want to use them but no, not this year.  I can always buy more if I run out but since I've been hording toiletries for many Christmases, I think I won't run out for another few years yet!

Anyway, there was a poitnt to this.  Ah yes, today I did something that should probably have been a New Year's resolution but wasn't.  I organised my stash!  Just a little bit.  I'm a fairly cluttery kind of person and I love books and fabrics and buttons and ribbons and felts and threads and things.  Normally this would be piled at the back of my desk within easy reach.  But since the sunshine will soon start to appear and will shine through my window for most of the day, I thought I ought to find a little cubby hole for everything, rather than have it fade.  Tadaa!