Saturday, 24 December 2011

It's Christmas!

A very merry Christmas to all friends and customers of Whimsy Dell!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Open For Business!

What a busy day!  After a big poke from a friend of mine, I have finally opened my very own Etsy shop!  It's all a bit scary and actually quite strange seeing my things right there on the Internet.  Strange but very, very exciting.

I found the site extremely easy to use and I do regret not having started my shop up a little earlier, but hey ho, I did say in 2010 that my plan for this year was to open my own shop on Etsy.  Despite cutting it a little fine, it's all there and ready to add to in the next months.

You can view my Etsy shop by clicking on this link or on the Etsy gadget in the right hand column of this website. It will open up in a new window.  Hurrah for Etsy shops!