Saturday, 30 October 2010

A Baker's Dozen


Thirteen sweet little cupcakes, all risen to perfection and ready to sit on my craft fair table in December.  Fun to make but stitching through that pelmet vilene made my fingers sore!  Maybe I should invest in a thimble.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Cupcake Pincushion

Cupcake Pin Cushion
Oh look!  Isn't this little cupcake pincushion utterly adorable?!  My lovely Mum sent me a kit containing everything needed to make one and it was a lot of fun to make too.  Of course, I won't be selling this at the craft fair, oh no!  This is too lovely and too special.  But...I can always bake/sew more!

I'm sure you will agree that it is particularly lovely when I show you my old pin cushion.  Oh dear.  You might have a little giggle at my previous pincushion.  It's in rather a sorry state.

Ready for a giggle?




Tea Pin Cushion

The poor lop-sided top-heavy thing.  It was meant to be a cup of tea but sadly it looks like a cream blob of wool that might possibly have looked a little bit like something once upon a time!

Friday, 22 October 2010

More Purses

Sewing Table

I've had a lovely time sewing of late.  I've moved my sewing machine upstairs to my bedroom because sitting at the kitchen table was making my back hurt a little.  I bought a cheap dining table from a local charity shop and I'm happily settled.  The sun shines in making me feel smiley and happy and I have my bestest friend River to keep me company.  She is never very far from where I am!

I spent a long time cutting out the shapes to make 19 more purses.  That's a lot of cutting, in fact I got a blister from doing it in one go!  They do look lovely sitting in their piles though, don't they!

Next came the best bit.  Sewing them all together!  Did I mention lately that I love my sewing machine?

20 Purses

Pheeew, that's a lot of purses.  I think I'm ready for the next project.  I wonder what it will be!

Monday, 18 October 2010


I found a wonderful pattern on Etsy for a sweet little purse.  The designer allows you to sell at craft fairs and so I bought the pattern and gave it a go.  How sweet is this...


I've lined it in a matching fabric.

Violets Open

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Story Bag

Story bag

My eldest daughter is studying childcare in college and as part of her assignment she has to design and make a story bag based on a popular childrens' book.  Apparently most of the students are putting their games and activities in a Christmas sack.  We thought, though, that it would be nice to make a bag that carries on the theme of the story that my daughter had chosen.  We had no idea how to make a bag and my chain stitch is very rusty but I think we did a great job.  Et handmade story bag!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Guinea Pigs Galore

Guinea Pigs

Well, now that I have a table booked at a craft fair, I really need to start making things in numbers.  I decided to start with the guinea pigs as they are fairly quick and simple to make.  I love they way they look, all lined in a row.  The colour possibilities are endless and I would be happy to make them forever and ever.  But maybe I should find something else to make.  Variety is the spice of life!

Friday, 8 October 2010

Craft Fair

We had a big discussion today at our knitting and crochet group and the conclusion is that we are going to hold a craft fair!  Yippeeeee!  It will be held at the Youth Club on December 4th, 2010.  I have booked myself a table and so now I need to get a wriggle on and make things to sell.  Exciting and scary!  I hope that I can manage to make enough money to cover the £5 that I paid for the table space.

Onwards and upwards!

Monday, 4 October 2010



Here's Kitty.  An adorable doll made from a Bit of Whimsy Dolls pattern.  She was quite tricky to make but she was all worth it!  I named her Kitty because she looks quite elegant, don't you think?  A little like a character from a Jane Austen novel?  My favourite is Pride and Prejudice and since I always felt a bit sorry for Kitty in that book, I grabbed the name heehee!

Friday, 1 October 2010


Bumble bee

I'm absolutely loving my sewing machine.  It does everything I want it to and more.  Curves are a dream and it has managed all of the fiddly things that I've put it through.

I've been back to Bit of Whimsy Dolls and bought a couple more patterns.  Today I made a bumblebee and he is so cute!