Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A Blast From The Past

Way back, in 1999, I fancied myself a bit of a cross stitch designer and had a fair bit of success manufacturing my own cross stitch kits.  After a few changes in my circumstances, my little business was put onto the backburner whilst I sorted out more important aspects of my life.  I never really got back into it, mainly because I have moved on, tried different crafts and learned new techniques and styles.

I was reminded of my cross stitch business today, though, when talking to my Mum and Sister about the return of Spring flowers to our gardens.  My sibling has snowdrops in hers, but I have daffodils poking their curious heads up in mine.  They have long been my favourite flower and I always look forward to seeing them again.  They are so cheerful and bright and they are also a symbol of Wales which makes them even better! ♥

As soon as I mentioned my daffodils, I was instantly reminded of this cross stitch pattern.  Even now, 12 years later, this very picture graces the windowsill in my kitchen.  I thought it was time to scan the pattern, tweak things a little and list it online so that others can share my joy in such a wonderful Spring flower.

It's now available to buy as a PDF from my Etsy shop over there on the right.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Does Anyone Want a Cuddle?

 I've just uploaded a new item to my Etsy shop.  Meet Cuddle the Hugmonster!  Some things are very hard to part with and she is definitely one of them.  I have learned my lesson though, because every time I keep one of my items or make another one for myself it _somehow_ ends up on my son's bed!

If you are interested in buying Cuddle, or any of my other items, please click on the Etsy shop window in the right-hand column.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Pup the Wonky Bear

Wonky arms, wonky ears, wonky legs and a wonky smile. Could you find a place in your heart for Pup the Wonky Bear?  ♥

Pup's main body is made from a brown and off-white striped cotton fabric. His pokeable tummy patch is made from a fun, puppy cotton print. His face is embroidered with black thread and his sweet little felt nose has been sewn on well making this a suitable toy for all ages.

He stands at 8" tall and is looking for a new friend to take care of him.

If you are interested in purchasing Pup, please visit my shop by clicking on the Etsy window in the right hand column.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Spring Stitchery Pattern - Available Now!

I've had such lovely feedback about my Spring Stitchery!  Thank you all for the lovely emails.  As requested, I have now made my stitchery pattern available to buy on Etsy as a PDF file.  There are ten pages in all and they include a materials list, thread list, detailed stitch guide, stitch diagrams and more!  Plus the pattern of course, both in standard and reversed form, for those of you who like to use transfer pens and printing papers.

If you are interested in purchasing this pattern, please click on my Etsy shop in the right hand column.  Once payment has been received, you will receive the PDF file within 24 hours via email, all ready for printing.

Thank you again for the wonderful feedback, I'm happy to announce that more will be coming in the near future.

Monday, 9 January 2012

A New Year - A New Project

Since seeing a tree in full blossom on the 31st December 2011 (yes, December!) I have been inspired to branch out and try something a little different.  Having admired stitcheries for quite some time now I thought it would be lovely to have a go, plus I have spent a lot of time recently making things for other people and nothing for myself!  So I started to look around for something that really made me smile.

There are some wonderful patterns out there, but I had great difficulty finding the ones I liked here in the UK.  Most places were out of stock with no plans to order patterns in again, and the shops in the States often charge a lot for delivery and even then you are taking a risk with import taxes.  I found myself going round in circles until a tiny little voice in my head pipped up.  It said -

"You could just....design your own?"

Well, that was it.  The seed was planted and the more I thought about it, the more the seed grew and grew until I finally had a blossom tree sketched onto paper.  I added some warm sunshine and the picture grew even more!  Some flowers here, some creatures there....then I realised that I had a stitchery all of my own.  I could not get it traced onto fabric quick enough!

Stitching it was the fun part; even though I have never done anything quite like this before I found it easy and relaxing.  As each little section was completed, my smile got bigger and I couldn't wait to move on to the next part.  Then, yesterday, I finished it.  Tadaaaaaaa!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of my customers and friends a happy and prosperous new year.  I wonder what 2012 will have in store for Whimsy Dell.  Watch this space for a new type of product which should make an appearance later on this month!