Monday, 9 January 2012

A New Year - A New Project

Since seeing a tree in full blossom on the 31st December 2011 (yes, December!) I have been inspired to branch out and try something a little different.  Having admired stitcheries for quite some time now I thought it would be lovely to have a go, plus I have spent a lot of time recently making things for other people and nothing for myself!  So I started to look around for something that really made me smile.

There are some wonderful patterns out there, but I had great difficulty finding the ones I liked here in the UK.  Most places were out of stock with no plans to order patterns in again, and the shops in the States often charge a lot for delivery and even then you are taking a risk with import taxes.  I found myself going round in circles until a tiny little voice in my head pipped up.  It said -

"You could your own?"

Well, that was it.  The seed was planted and the more I thought about it, the more the seed grew and grew until I finally had a blossom tree sketched onto paper.  I added some warm sunshine and the picture grew even more!  Some flowers here, some creatures there....then I realised that I had a stitchery all of my own.  I could not get it traced onto fabric quick enough!

Stitching it was the fun part; even though I have never done anything quite like this before I found it easy and relaxing.  As each little section was completed, my smile got bigger and I couldn't wait to move on to the next part.  Then, yesterday, I finished it.  Tadaaaaaaa!

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