Monday, 12 September 2011


Fleecy Frog Light

The latest toy to come from my sewing table is a soft and cuddly frog.  I decided not to use any safety eyes or buttons so they are extra-safe for children.  I have made four of them ready for this weekend and the tummy patches come in a variety of colours which means they are excellent gifts for both boys and girls.  My son has his eye on this particular one and I have a feeling it won't make it as far as the craft and produce fayre in Holywell on Saturday!

I've had a request to make some monsters and that's what I plan to do this afternoon.  It's so windy out there at the moment; I'm very glad to be cosied up indoors with a good cup of tea and some music for company.  Not to mention all of the wonderful fabric that I keep collecting!

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