Friday, 22 October 2010

More Purses

Sewing Table

I've had a lovely time sewing of late.  I've moved my sewing machine upstairs to my bedroom because sitting at the kitchen table was making my back hurt a little.  I bought a cheap dining table from a local charity shop and I'm happily settled.  The sun shines in making me feel smiley and happy and I have my bestest friend River to keep me company.  She is never very far from where I am!

I spent a long time cutting out the shapes to make 19 more purses.  That's a lot of cutting, in fact I got a blister from doing it in one go!  They do look lovely sitting in their piles though, don't they!

Next came the best bit.  Sewing them all together!  Did I mention lately that I love my sewing machine?

20 Purses

Pheeew, that's a lot of purses.  I think I'm ready for the next project.  I wonder what it will be!

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